The information you provide to us, "EduSmith", in this form will only be used in processing and contacting you to provide the answers for your questions.
Privacy statement:
EduSmith is committed to the security of personal information received by EduSmith. EduSmith will delete your information within 3 months after our relationship or services provided are completed. You may request access to exercise your rights under the personal data protection laws by filling out this request form,
You can study security measures, your rights and details about the protection of our personal information from the Privacy Notice for participants,
If you believe the company did not comply with this statement, please contact us back by sending an email to or send a letter to Premier Education Company Limited, Address: 12A Fl. MBK Tower, Phayathai Rd., Wang Mai, Pathum Wan, Bangkok, 10330. For more inquiry, you can send inquiries or file complaints to